There’s nothing more exciting than bringing on a new hire. After all your hard work to find thea right person, it’s a time of celebration — and a time to put your best foot forward. Make sure you and your new employee are on the same page from day one with a clear job offer letter.
Prospective employees should sign a job offer letter before they begin work. Not only does the letter serve as a legal basis for employment, but it also ensures you both have a written understanding of what their position entails. Seek legal counsel to make sure everything is in order if you are unsure about any content in the letter.
We’ve added different provisions for you to customize according to your company’s offerings and needs. This employment letter template includes:
Job title
Signing bonus
Stock options
Expected start date
Work hours
Vacation time
At-will employment
Terms of resignation
Federal immigration law requirements
Non-compete/non-disclosure clause
Close and signature
This particular template is made for full-time employees, though you could alter it for part-time or temporary employees as well. If you’re hiring independent contractors or interns, we suggest you check out these articles on when to classify workers as independent contractors, and tips for hiring interns legally. Lastly, show your offer letter to a lawyer before you give it to any potential employees to ensure compliance with state and federal laws.
Once your newest hire has signed a letter of employment, you're ready to properly onboard employees and make their new job a place they’ll want to stay. Congrats!
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