
David Feinberg

Senior Vice President of Insurance Programs & Risk at Justworks

David manages a cross-functional team with broad oversight to ensure delivery of clients’ health insurance, workers compensation, and other benefits in compliance with regulation across all 50 U.S. states.

David Feinberg's headshot

Recent Posts

Blog - Hero - What you should ask before picking company healthcare

Health Insurance Renewals at Justworks: What Customers Can Expect

Our goal is always to create a seamless health insurance renewals process. But this year, we also asked ourselves what could be fundamentally different—and better—about the experience for customers.

July 17, 2024 6 minutes

How Are Health Insurance Renewal Rates Determined?

Cost is top of mind as you navigate taking care of your team. Let's take a closer look at what goes into determining large group health insurance renewal rates each year.

June 26, 2023 6 minutes
Blog - Hero - FUTA Credit Reductions

FUTA Credit Reductions: How Your State’s Loan Balance Can Impact Your Tax Rate

Employers may be in a position where they will face a FUTA Credit Reduction. Learn more about the FUTA Credit Reduction and its impacts.

February 8, 2022 3 minutes

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Scale your business and build your team — no matter which way it grows. Access the tools, perks, and resources to help you stay compliant and grow in all 50 states.
