
Amanda Beach


Amanda Beach is a writer, editor, and project manager with 10 years of experience in tech and HR. She currently resides in Denver, CO.

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What Is An HR Gap Analysis?

An HR gap analysis is a valuable tool for any small business that wants to optimize its HR function. Is your team overdue?

July 26, 2024 4 minutes
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5 Common Startup Challenges (And How To Navigate Them)

Explore the five most common challenges that startups face, including some tips to help you navigate them and grow your business with confidence.

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How The Rising Cost of Living Impacts Your Small Business

As prices go up, how can you get ahead as a business owner?

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Who Handles Small Business Payroll?

Learn the different ways that your small business could handle payroll and how we can help.

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Importance of Employee Compliance Training in the Workplace

Employee compliance plays a critical role in minimizing risk, protecting a company's reputation, and ensuring employees understand the legal and ethical standards expected of them.

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How Do You Set Up A Performance Review Process?

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution to performance reviews, but following best practices can help to create a process for your unique team that sets the stage for future success.

May 29, 2024 5 minutes

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